How many reading have you listened to on YouTube where they say "If this doesn't resonate please watch your Moon, Rising & Venus signs." It's ok to have a mind swirling with questions at this point, like, When do I know which one resonates with me the best?....How do I know which to choose?... Shouldn't my sun sign be enough? First, you will need to have your birth chart on hand. Get a free birth chart here. Second, read each description below and see how each refers to you. This will give you more insight on which reading will be best for your situation. Sun SignYour sun sign describes your basic nature. Here lies your personality traits that remain constant through the ups and downs of life. Your sun sign speaks to the big picture and your grand scheme for life, as well as to your ego and deep sense of self. Basically, the sun relates your life path and the truest version of who you are — it's generally considered your highest expression of self. Best Used: When you need more information on the bigger picture or you're just needing an overall general "snapshot". Moon SignYour Moon sign relates to the private, emotional, beneath-the-surface parts of your personality. The moon has always been linked to our emotions, so it makes sense that your moon sign rules over your emotional and more intimate side. In short, think of the moon as your inner self. It's the emotional, vulnerable, and more private side of your personality that likes to feel comfortable and safe before it steps out of the shadows and reveals itself to others. Best Used: When needing healing, dealing with past life issues or situations that were hard to release Rising SignYour rising sign as representative of your outer self. Rising signs are like the mask you wear for the world, it usually works in tandem with your sun sign to create the self that you project into the universe. The main difference between a rising sign and a sun sign is that your sun sign represents the deeper core of your personality like your ego and values, and it governs over the big-picture aspects of your life. Your rising sign, on the other hand, is sort of like a nice veil wrapped over your solid sun core, ruling the surface aspects of your personality — such as how you appear to others, how you react to things off-the-cuff, how you relate to other people (especially socially), and your overall demeanor Best Used: When dealing with casual relationships (friends, coworkers, etc.), Career advancement Venus SignYour Venus sign describes how we express our affection for others, as well as the things in life we take the greatest pleasure in. In short, it shows how – and what – we love.
Best used: For romantic situations, Hobbies or passion project information
December 2023